
Camping, Hurt Puppies & Much More!

Today's post is a mixture of things that the Mr. and I have been up to lately. Enjoy our adventures we have had in the last month! Hope you enjoy as much as we did. 

James cousin had her mission farewell and funny story.. she actually had two farewell talks. They had recently moved so both of her wards old and new wanted to hear from her. So James and I were lucky enough to attend both. They live about and hour away so it was pretty easy to get there!

Isn't she so pretty? Emily did wonderful on both of her farewell talks. She is going to be one amazing missionary. The land of the llamas is very lucky to get her and her sweet spirit! We sure do love you Emily and we are going to miss you!

James and I got a new tree! We have been fixing up the outside of our home since we have had all this warm weather and have taken a break from the inside. With that being said, we have A LOT of dead tree's so we have slowly been cutting down a few to help make out home beautiful. So when the grandparents had an extra tree and offered it to James and I you bet we said YES! I am so grateful to them and all their help. We can't wait for out cute little willow tree to grow big and strong! And we cannot wait until all this hard work is paid off.. and our home is the way we love it ha ha. But in due time.. I mean we haven't even lived here a year yet so we got awhile! 

While in Pocatello with the grandparents I saw this amazing truck! I LOVE it! I wish that I owned it ha! Don't you just love it too? 

Poor Maggie got a hurt paw. It was the saddest thing ever. Her foot got soo swollen and even started bleeding like crazy. Poor girl had to wear a cone so she wouldn't lick it and irritate it even more. We even had to spray medicine to clean it and help it. After the swelling went down a little we were able to see the cause. Maggie had stepped on a broken beer bottle (we later found it.. which this is another story..) that was just thrown in our yard.. and got a piece of glass stuck in the middle of her paw. I feel so bad that I didn't notice before and I wasn't able to protect my poor puppy. But now that we got it out and all cleaned she is doing MUCH better and the swelling and everything has gone down.

It was that time of year again for the family reunion on my moms side. Well the night before we headed we started packing and getting everything ready. Miss Maggie was very concerned that we were going to leave her behind so she got in her pillow and stayed there so we wouldn't forget her! Silly puppy. I sure do love her.

While camping we went to this amazing store called All This Stuff in a Barn. They had so much fun things! I think this became my moms new favorite store because she spent about a million dollars there.. ha just kidding..! But look how awesome this shelf was! If James and I had an extra $100.00 it probably would of came home with us. I absolutely loved it!

Later that day after the store we had the big party part of the reunion! Where we had delicious food, good company and awesome games. This year reunion was a blast and I am so grateful that James and I ended up being able to go! Woohoo! I sure do love my family and getting to spend time with them. They are all amazing.  

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