

On Monday James and I went out to Chesterfield, Idaho to help set up the Rugar Dugout. Memorial day out in Chesterfield is always a lot of fun. They have hamburgers and hot dogs, a raffle and of course tours of all the places and homes there. One of my favorite places to visit is the store there. They have old fashion soda's and old fashion candy! Yum, yum. (I'm a candy-crazy person.)

Speaking of old fashioned soda's this little gem in one you can buy there and it is the BEST ever. I love anything huckleberry but this soda is to die for. So if you ever see this brand or you're in Chesterfield then you should definitely buy it! You will no be disappointed. 

Of course we can't go to Chesterfield and NOT take a selfie right? And yes, you are seeing correctly the skies are grey and it did in fact rain on us. Not too much which was nice but it did rain.. and once we got home it sure started to pour ha ha! Oh well. 

Later that night the rain settled and it was a gorgeous beautiful night. I was so excited because we were finally able to sit on the porch together and enjoy! This is the one thing I like about summer. Other than that I am not a summer person ha ha. '
It was nice to have this Monday to relax and hang out because the rest of the week is going to be super busy because we are getting ready to go on vacation! Which we both are so excited for. We have the opportunity to go down to Utah to watch James sister graduate! And the next day we will be flying out with everyone to go to Nauvoo. I'm so excited to see the grandparents again and to experience the special feelings Nauvoo has to offer.