
These visitors are always welcome!

James' family came up this weekend for a fun little visit. It was so wonderful to see them all and have some time to chit chat and catch up on things. We sure do miss them and wish that they could have stayed longer but are grateful that they were able to come up! While they were here we had such a blast and fun filled days, it was just wonderful.

Everyone but dad arrived Thursday afternoon so the gang and I headed up to Idaho falls while James' and Dad were at work to visit some cousins. It was so much fun! We went to a soccer game and there was such a beautiful sunset. Absolutely stunning. The picture above just doesn't do it justice but I do need to give Miss Halee photo credit. I'm glad that she captured this. While at the cousins we enjoyed a wonderful meal my personal favorite potato soup in a very yummy homemade bread bowl. Oh boy.. I was in Heaven! It was so good to see them all and be able to spend the day with them. I sure was tired though by the time we got home. Needless to say I slept well that night.

On Friday, Halee did my hair. She did such an awesome job. It looked super cute. Later that night we hit the hot baths in Lava while Mom and Halee stayed home and had a girls night. The hot baths felt so nice and they were a lot of fun. 

Also on Friday the men fixed up the garden and made it look oh so fab. They found these wonderful carrots that James and I forgot to pick. One of them was huge and very weird looking. Needless to say we will be enjoying some carrots soon. I am so grateful for all who helped in the garden it looks awesome now! I'm also grateful for James' mom who helped make our house look awesome and helped us catch up on dishes. 

Last night after everyone but Natalie went home James and Max were pooped. The shocking part is James didn't even stay awake through the BYU game! That goes to show you how much fun we had. We're glad that Natalie is still here with us and we are going to be sad when she leaves tomorrow. Can't wait to see them all again, it will be a blast!