
Baby It's Cold Outside!

I made more banners! Yay! This one is my favorite by far. I put a lot of effort into it, and all the banners I have made. They make our house look so much more holiday-ish ha ha. As I've mentioned many times, I LOVE decorating for holidays and I especially love do it yourself projects. They are a blast. And they make you feel so good when they turn out awesomely. 

Well, we also had our first snow fall!It wasn't a lot of snow but it sure made me happy! It didn't stick nor did it sty very long. But it sure did cool things WAY down!

And when I say it cooled things WAY down.. I mean this ha ha. The high for today was only 23 degrees. BRR. But that's totally fine with me! I like the cold, warm blankets, fires and hot chocolate. James is the complete opposite though ha ha. Oh well, he'll get used to it and plus the cold means we get to cuddle more! That's a bonus right?