
Oh Happy Days!

To start off I want to express how grateful I am to these two. This is Grandma and Grandpa Hatch. They are incredible people. I'm very grateful to them for allowing James and I to live in their home while they are serving their mission in Nauvoo Illinois. They are great examples to me. And not to mention.. but look how cute they are in their mission attire! I love these two very much.

Speaking of cute.. ha ha. Look how cute Max is. This is his oh hey give me that treat you're holding look. How can you say no to this face? This little guy is super adorable. 

Speaking of Max.. We went camping this last Friday in our backyard. Why? Well, we got a new air mattress and we wanted to try it out and more importantly make sure that it fit in our tent. Max wasn't too sure about camping or being locked in a tent. So he sat on my lap and stared out the window for awhile. But eventually he enjoyed it. He laid down and went to bed ha ha.

This is a "selfie" that we took from our backyard camping trip. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad that the hubs and I can do silly things like this. 

James and I also went on a date on Saturday out to Chesterfield. We went to a piano concert to see his Grandma's cousin play. He puts on a fantastic show! It was a lot of fun. We even got a cookie and some lemonade after. Yum, yum!